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Really sick betta-please Help!!!!

23 15:07:38

I have had a beautiful male betta for about over a year now. He lives in a established 2 gallon tank with light and undergravel filter, and gets
30-50% water changes once a week with siphoning.
He has been extremely healthy ever since he was given to me from a relative but about a week ago he has developed a tumor on both sides of his body. I am sure it has to be a tumor and not dropsey because he doesn't have scales sticking our and isn't acting sickly which is very strange. The horrible thing is, the tumor is growing rapidly...
My poor boy still greets me at the front of his little tank and eats really well. My main question is I guess--Should I put him out of his misery. It would be impossible for him to get better, wouldn't it. Is it the best thing to do before he suffers any more and the tumor grows to an extremely horrid size?

Thanks for your help as always, your advice and words are so amazing-you are the best! thanks.

Happy holidays!

Hi Susie;

Poor fella. You might try feeding him green peas to see if perhaps it is just constipation. Also raise his water temperature up to help him digest more efficiently.

As bettas get older, their bodies just don't work as efficently (kinda like us). They need higher temperatures, sometimes different foods and more water changes. I think your cleaning schedule is fine though.

As long as he seems to feel fine I wouldn't worry. If he starts to feel bad or looks like he is dying then you might consider euthanasia. Here is a great link about it and some humane methods;

Hope he feels better soon and you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, etc.......


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