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Got stuck!

23 14:11:48

My fish got stuck in the filter of the aquarium but he's okay now.But unfortunately his color is fading what should i Do?

Hi Tisha,

Is this a newly set-up aquarium?? When first set-up tanks go through a maturation period. During this time they are extremely dangerous to livestock and it is possible that your fish has fallen victim to New Tank Syndrome.

New Tank Syndrome is when the nitrites and ammonia levels peak in the tank. Nitrites and Ammonia are poisonous and will quickly kill many species of fish. When placed in this conditions fish can slip into shock, Guarin production shuts down and the fish begins to fade. Sometimes placing the fish in a mature tank and feeding quality live food can restart the guarin circulation.

Alternatively if the tank is mature then it is likely that getting stuck in the filter has sent the fish into severe shock.

Sometimes, though, fish can fade depending on the substrate that they are housed with. I have encountered female Bettas fading to almost white when placed on black gravel, however, when the gravel was replaced for a natural coloured substrate their colour returned to almost jet black.

Good luck!


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