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how can you tell if a Cochu Blue Tetra is pregnant?

23 14:13:37

over the past 2 days i have noticed that one of my Blue tetra's is getting rather round bellied. they havent been fed in a couple of days so i know that she hasn't overindulged. she is staying close to the top of the tank, can hardly swim, she has lost her purple/blue colouring from her tail. we have put her in a breeding box in case, but i want to be sure. could you please tell me anything more about if she is pregnant or not.

Hi Tamara,
 Tetras do not get pregnant as such -- they lay eggs (they are not livebearers). Unfortunately, that means that your tetra is not pregnant but may in fact not be healthy and could have some sort of intestinal infection causing the fish to "bloat".  There are medicines that claim to cure this sort of thing, but I have had little success with them.  

-- Ron
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