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betas dying

23 15:06:20

I have had betas now for several months.  I have or had 6 females and 3 males.  I keep all the girls together adn the boys separated.  I have had them in a 30 gallon tank until recenlty when I got them a 10 gallon so I could get them away from my schooling fish--they had started having babies.  My power went out last weekend and stayed out for 3 days.  My house temp had dropped to around 50 degrees so I moved my betas to my parents house and got htem power so their tank warmed back up to their usual 75-80 degrees.  2 days ago i noticed my oldest male had whitish sopts all over him he had lost use of his right front fin and his tales looked shredded.  He stayed in his net and wasn't around other fish before.  He died the nest day.  Last night i noticed my other male adn 2 of my females had the same white spots--It's like big areas almost like their scales are falling off--i've done 2 treatments for ick--but no improvements.  This morning I noticed my youngest female had no spots but died during the night.  So again this morning--I took every fish out of the 10 gallon tank and put them in individual bowls.  I applied a little stress coat and put htem in the warmest spot in the house since they no longer have their heater.  I'm desparate--please help!

Hi Laura;

Poor fish....They have a disease I call "Betta Fungus". It attacks them when the water gets too cold. Heat helps kill it though. Get their temperature up to 82 degrees and keep it there. Also get a product called BettaMax by Aquatronics. If you can't find that one get a regular fungus remedy instead like Fungus Cure by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.

Hope they feel better soon.....

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