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Damaged Betta Fins

23 14:49:55

I just got my Betta last Saturday and it's very healthy; however, a chunk of its fin is missing.  I don't think it's fin rot because it's still swimming quite a bit and it happened within the four hours I wasn't home.  I put StressCoat and Melafix in his 10 gallon home.  He lives by himself and the water tests are all normal.

Hi Cindy;

He probably tore his fin on a decoration or plant or something in the tank. Some bettas will even bite their own fins or they just get them caught in the filter intake. You are doing just fine with the stress coat and melafix. Watch for infection just in case. If the torn edge looks fuzzy, whitish or greyish he may need Fungus Eliminator too. Change 25% of his tank water every week as part of normal maintenance. Clean water helps the immune system.

Keep up the good work!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins