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Are gouramis a burrowing fish?

23 11:12:13

We have a Dwarf Gourami and My husband noticed that he disappeared from the tank. We have checked all around the tank under all the decorations and around all the plants and even in the filter. we have moved some rocks but not all.  We don't know what happened to him though. Its a 29 gallon tank and we have several other fish in there including 4 ghost shrimp. he has been a little lethargic for a couple days and now he is gone. But we were wondering can Dwarf Gouramis burrow?

Michael, I too ran into the same problem about 2 months ago when I added 2 dwarf gouramis and mysteriously, after about 3 weeks, one disappeared. I thought I was loosing it. I came to the conclusion that the snails and crab had eaten it after it died, because the 2 I got weren't healthy from the pet store. Little did I know they had been having problems with their fish. One day I removed an ornament from the tank to clean it and add it to another tank when man, what's that awful smell. Well, inside of the ornament was the decaying fish. How it made it into the little space, I have no idea, but I assure you that they don't burrow as you may be thinking. It is possible too that the ghost shrimp have and may still be feeding on it if it in fact has died in some hidden spot. I hpe this helps and I deeply apologize for the delayed response. Good luck.