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I cant find a goldfish advisor

23 12:02:22

Im really sorry, I don't understand why no one will answer goldfish questions.  I'm a novice, bought a goldfish and bowl 5 days ago, followed all the instructions including feeding it three times a day.  This morning I noticed it had blood-coloured patches mainly around nose and eyes, but also along sides, and seems to regularly gasp for air at the surface.  On day three I noticed the water becoming cloudy with small particles.  The fish doesn't seem to be very interested in food either.  Could you please tell me what you think it might be? I'd be very grateful. Thankyou.

Hi Michelle,
Goldfish is not my expertise, but I will try to help you.  Please test your water for the PH level.  Your problem may be that your PH is too low.  A goldfish lives in a 7.0 to 8.0 PH.  If you don't have a kit, it would be a good idea to buy one to see if this is the problem.  You can get them at your Pet Store for a small sum.  If your PH is lower than 7.0 you will have to bring it up slowly.  The best way to do this is to buy a small bag of coral.  Seeing as you wouldn't need much, maybe your pet store would give you some...if not, try the dollar store, sometimes they have seashells, which would do the trick.  Put 1 teaspoon of Coral, or 4 small seashells in your fish bowl.  Change the water completely, and use a good water conditioner such has "Stress Coat" or "Aquasafe."  Check your PH, and if it is too low, put in more shells or coral, but do this slowly has a bouncing PH could kill your fish.  I think that your goldfish was in a higher PH at the store, and then when you brought him home, he might have ended up in a low PH.
 You must always use a good water conditioner when changing your water.  If you don't do this the chlorine will hurt your fish.  It is very important to use a conditioner.  
If you have conditioner on hand, do a complete water change, remembering that the fish must have the same temperature of the water he was in.
When a fish doesn't eat, it is because he isn't well.  Check you PH as quickly as possible, and do a water change.  Your fish is lacking oxygen.  Seeing as your water is cloudy, you probably have bad bacteria in it would be best to change all the water.
If you have checked his PH, made water changes, and brought the PH up to 7.0 -8.0. and your fish is still sick, you will have to cure him with a good antibiotic.
Hope this will help you