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Betta Splendens

23 14:48:26

I just purchased a male and female Betta.  I want to learn more about caring for freshwater tropicals before I move on to more complicated systems.  How do I encourage my Bettas to spawn?  Also, is it possible that they don't like the food I have been giving them?  

Hi Michelle,
 Whether they spawn or not is up to them.  All you can do is provide a nice place for them to do it.  Do regular partial water changes of 25% of the water once a week, every week.  

 It may take a while for a new fish to get used to a new food, sometimes a few weeks.  Be persistent and eventually they will come around.  In the meantime, be very sure that uneaten food does not accumulate in the tank -- it can rot and foul the water.  So, if they don't eat the food, remove it after a few minutes.

-- Ron
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