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Male Siamese Fighting Fish

23 14:03:49

Can I put a male & female together in the same tank?  If not how do they spawn?  What kind of fish can I put with my male fighting fish?  This is my first fish, Marty.

Hi Oliver,

You can put male and female bettas in the same tank. However, I'd advise putting at least three females in with him as females have a tendency to pick on other fish. If you have three a hierachy will be able to form without the bullying being directed heavily on one fish.

Bettas spawn by blowing a bubble nest at the top of the tank. To achieve this you'll need gentle filtration, a relatively still surface water and long, fine leaved plants.

The male will, from time to time, just blow a nest for practice. However, if the females are ready to mate vertical lines will appaear down the sides of their body.

The female will inspect the nest, then they will swim round each other in a weird dance like fashion. If satisfied the female will drop her eggs to the bottom of the tank. The male delicately picks the eggs up and places them inside the bubble nest. Once the fry are born the male will accompany them everywhere. He will neglect pretty much everything else aside from having a quick meal himself.

However, watch the female as female bettas have a tendency to steal their babies from the male and raise them on their own. If the males spots her, there will be war.

The fry should be removed after a few weeks to stop the male turning on them and viewing them as food.

Good fish to keep with male bettas include:

Bristlenose Plecs
Chocolate Doradids
Neon Tetras

Basically, anything that won't take a fancy to his fins. Under no circumstances place him in with Guppies. They'll be dead before you know it.

