Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > disease


23 11:09:48

why does my female guppy have a red spot on het cheek? is this bad? how do i treat it?

Hi Caleb,

Red spots on the fish are a sign of deteriorating water conditions.  Change her water.  It will probably heal on its own, but if it doesn't, add 2 teaspoons of marine salt, per gallon, to her water and watch her to see if it clears up.

The salt works on parasites, fungus and bacteria.  It's a good all-around cure that isn't chemical.

Red spots are caused by ammonia.  Ammonia buids up in dirty water and can literally burn the fish's skin.

When you take tank water and put it in a white bowl, is it crystal clear or does it have color?  If any color exists, it's dirty and ammonia is in it.

Change at least 40% of her water today and 10% a day for a week.

See if this helps.

Happy fish-keeping. :)
