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beta - water temp and cover for bowl?

23 15:06:00

I've had my red beta "Mr Fish" for almost 2 yrs.  He lives in beautiful bowl (I think just over 1 gallon?) with red rock and black marbles, a castle with lots of neat hiding places and a plant in which he often rests himself right in the middle of!  I change his water once a week, but have no fancy stuff, no heater, no filter, and I never add anything to his water.  Just good ol' tap water that sits in replica bowl awaiting the weekly changing.

I keep him in the corner of my apartment, close to the kitchen as well as a radiator.  My question is, can just a simple lamp with a 25 watt light do the trick to keep the water a little warmer or is there a special one I have to purchase?  (first time beta owner, how can you tell?)  I know my apartment goes through frequent temp changes so I'd like to make it a little more pleasant for him.

Second question, he's a fiesty little guy, so what about a cover?  I once played a little "hide and go seek" with him (I know, even my man thinks I'm crazy!) and as I came to the top, peering in, he f---in' jumped at me!  Freaked me out!  Will he catch on to this fun and jump right out of the bowl one day?  

Thank you, look forward to your reply!

Hi Raelene;

Well, Mr. Fish is indeed a feisty little fella! You've done a great job caring for him. He probably just thought you were invading his territory. Or, he may have thought you were some food. Bettas eat live bugs and they dart around above the water before the fish will jump and snatch them. He's just doing what bettas do! I think a cover would be a great idea for his tank. Some have been known to jump out. Yikes!  

For temperature, try a 25 watt bulb and see how that works. If it isn't enough try a higher wattage. If your house is already warm where he sits it won't take much to get it warmer.

Have fun!

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