Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > White specs on edge of fins

White specs on edge of fins

23 14:37:45

Hi Chris

Sorry i have another question? ALL is good with ammonia at 0 and Ph 6.6-6.8, however I noticed today on my 2 Oscars what looks like specs of white(in a row) at the edges of their 2 side fins. I noticed as they came to the glass swimming and acting happy to see me.  I'm not sure if its just stuff in the tank that may have stuck to them.  I have 2 Oscars at work that I care for, it happened with them eventually it went away.  I don't want to treat unless I am positive. I haven't done a water change with the new water softener water yet. I do weekly water changes, The water temp has been the same. 78-80

Thanks again

Hi Fran! I'm glad things are going so well!

It's possible it's just some stuff picked up and sticking to them, or maybe the spots are just part of their natural fin structure. If the spots are in a row it is unlikely to be anything harmful. Sometimes fish will scrape themselves or rub their fins on things and cause sort of like a "callous". I would just watch to be sure it doesn't develop into something else.

Great to hear from you and I hope things continue to go "swimmingly"!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins