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Red Oscar - Bloated

23 11:18:21

Good Morning- I have a red Oscar that I have had for several years. In the last week he has developed a lover bloated belly. This has never happened before and his skin is breaking and flaking in the area of bloating. I don't know what to do, this am i woke to white spot on my blood patriot, and one albino oscar as well and this one is fine.

Hi Kathy,
I presume that you must have a very big tank to hold two Oscars, and one blood parrot.  One Oscar needs 60 gallons of water all to himself, two Oscars need 120, and so on.  When an Oscar does not have the space he needs to be happy, and healthy, his growth is stunted, his internal organs have no place to grow, and he eventually dies a terrible death.  This may not be the situation, you did not mention the size of your tank.
When skin is flaking on a fish, it is due to ammonia.  If you have ammonia in your tank, this will cause a fish's skin to flake.  Please check your ammonia level before doing anything else.  Your ammonia level must be zero, your nitrites zero, and your nitrates must be low.
A swollen belly on a fish indicates constipation.  Constipation often goes unnoticed, and leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  If left untreated it will lead to Dropsy.  This disease is due to overfeeding, and poor diet.  Ocars should have varied diets, and frozen blanched peas are very important once a week so that they can clean out their system, and avoid SBD.  On the day you choose to feed them peas, feed them nothing else for the rest of the day.

Here is a list of food that the Oscar should have to be happy, and healthy:
Good quality pellets, and sticks.
Crickets bought at your pet store are an excellent food for Oscars.
Worms bought at the bait store should be given occasionally.  Clean the worms by putting them in oats for one week before feeding them to your Oscars.
Regular Minnows bought at your bait store are also a good source of food.
Veggies bought at the market in the frozen section, are a must...peas, green beans, carrots, and broccoli.  Blanch the veggies, let cool and feed them to your pets at least once a week so they can clean out their system.
Non citrus fruit, such as bananas, and mangoes are also good now, and then.
Frozen food from you pet store, such as bloodworms are also good.
Frozen fish that you find at your market that come from rivers, and lakes are also a food the Oscars must have.  The fish must be frozen, and they must come from rivers, and lakes, never salt water fish.  Unfreeze, and feed a piece to your fish.
Never feed them feeder fish.  Feeder fish are almost always full of disease, and if eaten by your Oscars, they too will get sick.

If you suspect that your Oscar has SBD you will have to cure him by giving him peas for on day.  If he does not waste, you will have to medicate.  Before medicating, check your water chemistry.  If your water chemistry is off, no medication will help.
"Kanamycin" is very good for SBD, but is sometimes difficult to find.  If you cannot find it, buy 'Tetracycline" or "Furan-2," and follow the directions on the package.
Ick will attack weak, or stressed fish.  It is always present in the water.  You must try to find out what is stressing your fish.  It also happens after a fish has been sick, and is weak.  Good food, and good water chemistry go a long way in preventing disease.
You will have to cure both diseases in your tank.  Since aquarium salt is very bad when a fish has Swim Bladder Disease, you cannot use salt to kill ick.
If you have another tank, house your parrot in it, using water from the tank you now have so that the water chemistry will be the same.  There are many cures for ick at your pet store.  "Korden Ick Attack" is very good, as it cures ick, and fungal diseases.
I hope this will help, and that they will pull through.