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Unheated tank?

23 14:07:14


Right now, I have a pregnant swordtail and a pregnant platy in my main heated tank.  In my breeder box, there is one platy fry (that was the mothers very first batch, shes barely an inch big herself.) The tank they are in now is heated and everything, but for a growth tank for the swordtail and platy fry, I have a 5gal.  tank,  but I was wondering, can the tank be unheated? (In our house, the water goes to 70 degrees if it is unheated) Im saving up for another heater, but im just curious, would it be OK to put the fry in that unheated tank until I get a heater?

Hello Bekah-

I saw your question in the question pool, and though I could give you a tip:

If you can't afford another heater, you can use a desk lamp shining on the water of the tank to help heat it up. Also, if you room temperature is 70 F, don't expect the water to reach this temperature, so be sure to compensate with some kind of heat source.  I think the babies should be all right, my sister's platy had a ton of fry and she wasn't doing anything special (they were surprise babies!)

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman