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iridecent shark

23 14:20:39

i had bought my self an iridescent shark and was wondering if i would be able to breed it but i don't know how to tell male and female apart and would like to know what size of tank is best for my shark and what food is appropriate to feed it right now i have it in a 1 gallon tank on its own with a charcoal filtering system with blue rocks and a plant for it but i don't know if it is male or female. please answer my question thank you

Hi Jordan,
 Unfortunately I have no experience with irridescent sharks. I can tell you that they aren't really sharks, but are actually a member of the barb family. They come from Asia.  

 I can also tell you that you need a much larger tank for that fish.  It should be in at least a 10 or 15 gallon tank, and something larger like a 20 or 29 gallon would be much better.

-- Ron
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