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Betta lump

23 11:25:12


Betta side view
Hi. I've had my betta for about a year and a half in a 5 gallon filtered, heated, cycled tank. I feed him approx 4 betta pellets twice daily. He's been active and has had a good appetite for as long as I've had him. A couple of weeks ago he started growing a bulge along his right side. He remains active and interested in food and appears healthy in all other respects. (no signs of external parasites or wounds or odd behavior) As his symptoms do not appear to fit any of the standard betta ailments, I was reccomended to this site. Any assistance you could provide would be appreciated.

Hi Jen,
Lumps are impossible to diagnose.  They could be anywhere from a tumor to a boil, much like we have.  The only way to be certain is to see a vet. Never squeeze a lump, as this would be extremely painful to your betta.  Let it be, bettas live a long time with lumps, and sometimes they disappear.  If it is a boil, it will come to a head, and disappear on it's own.  He could also be constipated.  Constipation often goes unnoticed, and leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  If left untreated it will lead to Dropsy to which there is no cure.  It is better to prevent this from happening.
I would try feeding him a cooked frozen pea with the outer layer removed.  Cut the pea into small pieces, and feed the pieces one by one to your betta making sure he eats them, and that they do not fall to the bottom of the tank.  He could be constipated, and the pea would help him clean out his system.  He should have one pea a week.  On the day you choose to feed him the pea, feed him nothing else.  Also, I would like to mention, never feed your betta 4 pellets at a time.  Feed him two pellets, or 2 flakes for one meal.  You may feed him twice or three times a day, but in small amounts.  It would also be good to feed him Daphnia.  Daphnia helps the betta with his digestive system.  He should also have bloodworms as a treat once a week.  We must always remember that the bettas tummy is the size of his eye, so better to give him small meals, and never big meals.
He is a beautiful betta!  Keep his water very clean, and write back to me in three days to see if his situation has improved by feeding him the pea.  If he starts to keep near the bottom of the tank, or the top, then it could very well be Swim Bladder Disease.   
I hope this will help.