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platy fry and water changes

23 12:01:24

i put my platy fry in a small container bowl meant for betta. it has no pump or air stone etc. they seem to be fine and i feed them but when i do a water change they die about 10 minutes later. they had lived for a week and i changed water. 35 of the 40 died. the 5 remaining lived another week and then i did water change and they died

Hi Candy,
Platies need a tank with a filter.  They need an air stone.  They do not breathe like the betta does.  They need oxygen in the water in order to survive.  They cannot live in a bowl.  40 fish in a bowl, will die.  They should be in a big tank, at least 20 gallons with filter, and air stone.  Unfortunately, all your fish will die.  
Sorry that this happened to the little fry.