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red cap

23 14:24:10

i have a red cap that has developed one large red bump with a white center near its rear fins and two smaller of the same near the same area... what is this and what can i do?

Hi Scott;

It sounds like ulcers caused by a bacterial infection. He needs an antibiotic from the fish store along with aquarium salt and melafix. The salt and Melafix help heal and help inhibit further infection while the antibiotics work. The salt also helps with stress.

Keep the tank very clean with a weekly water change of 25% and gravel vacuuming at the same time. These things usually get started from having not-so-clean water conditions. Goldfish are very messy fish so it happens before we know it sometimes. Goldfish also need lots of room so they don't pollute their water too fast and cause ammonia levels to rise. Each goldfish needs at least ten gallons all to itself and a good filter.

I hope your red cap oranda feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins