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My new fish

23 11:48:28

Shadow, my Red Tailed Shark, who I just bought today, won't come up to the surface to eat. I drop some flakes in, but he won't come up. Is this because he's shy and nervous because I just bought him? Or is he just not seeing the flakes? Thanks!

Hello Sarah,
I wouldn't worry too much about your shark, if you have other fish he will eventually get the idea. If not he just needs time to settle in, try feeding him and hiding so he doesn't know your there and see, but give him time to get used to his new home =]

If you have the tankspace you could try buying him a tank mate? another shark.

Beware they grow to 15cm (6 INCHES)!!!

Good luck with your new shark, and im sure you'll take great care of him.

(any uneaten food should be removed within 10 minutes)

Let me know if you experience any further problems