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Oscar in new tank not eating

23 11:45:48

My 13" 4yr. old Oscar  has always lived in a 55 gal tank.  I have just put him in a new 125 gal tank and he has not eaten in 7 days.  He is with a new 5" oscar who is much smaller than him.  The tank is fully cycled and tested fine.  What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Judy

Hi Judy

I doubt it is anything you are doing wrong. He may just need time to adjust to his new home, and/or he may not like his new tank mate. Giving him more space is a good thing, but taking him out of a home he was used to and comfortable in can be a frightening and stressful experience for any fish, especially an Oscar. If you've had him for 4 years, I'm sure you've learned that Oscars are more like pet dogs than pet fish.

Just give him some time, keep him on the same schedule you had before as far as feeding and tank maintenance. He should come around. If not in the next few days, try moving the small Oscar to the 55 gallon and see if that is the problem. In the meantime, don't worry. When he gets hungry enough, he'll eat.

I hope this information is helpful to you, good luck!
