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Skin problem on Bunnys head

22 11:24:30

My Mini Lop started having spots on her head like a bump, which eventually I got thick white goop from.  I took her to the vet and they gave her meds.  Also for the runny butt she had.  She seems much better but now the skin seems dry and flaky.  I put some Vitamin E on it.  Is that a bad idea?  Please let me know ASAP.  She has a male mate that licks her a lot.  

Charla Berry

Dear Charla,

Thick white goop coming from bumps on your bunny are most likely pus, meaning that the bumps are abscesses (infected lesions).  These need to be treated with appropriate antibiotics:

For messy bottom problems, please read:

Dry, flaky skin can be caused by mites.  Vitamin E won't hurt, but it won't solve the problem.  Please see:

for complete information on diagnosis and treatment of this problem.  To find a vet who is experienced with rabbits, please see:

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have more questions.
