Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pneumonia?


22 11:21:28

I've just noticed my rabbit, Bluebell (a dwarf lop) seems to be a bit sick. She often holds her head up in the air and gasps. Also she's thinner than usual, though she's still eating. Well she'll eat cabbage with gusto, but the rabbit mix isn't too popular. She shares the hutch with her twin, Pipkin, who's not displaying any signs of illness. A quick look around the internet suggests pneumonia. Is this likely? If so, what are the chances of recovery and is there anything I can do for her? Besides going to the vet of course.

Dear Amy,

Your last phrase:  "Besides going to the vet of course." has me puzzled.  Does this mean you're unwilling to take her to the vet?  If you had pnemonia, would you not go to see a doctor?

Yes, this sounds very much like pneumonia, though I can't diagnose her long distance.  And not being able to breathe is a very distressing condition.  PLEASE get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP, if you wish to save her life.  You can find one here:

If there is any nasal discharge, the vet may wish to culture the bacteria causing the problem so that s/he can prescribe the best antibiotic for this particular case:

But YES, SHE NEEDS VETERINARY HELP, AND NOW!  You should consider this an extreme emergency.  The vet may prescribe oxygen, nebulization, antibiotics, subQ fluids to help loosen the matter in the lungs, and other treatments that will help.  Her only chance of recovery is swift medical intervention.  Please waste no time in getting her to the vet!
