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Mimi Rex with Sore Hocks?

22 11:37:21

Hello, Our 2 year old Mini Rex has what I think are sore hocks. The bottom of both rear feet have developed sores and have left some blood in the cage. She is in a wire cage, I have now covered half with cardboard as I read that wire cages can cause this. Question, will this heal on it's own? Other percautations we should take to aid healing? Unfortunitally she is aggressive and will not be held. She was to the vet 7 months ago for treatment for an infection she developed on her chest area. Vet confirmed about the aggressivness, would you have any information if this is typical for this breed. Appreciate your time and information you can share.
The Troys, owners of Cocoa the Mini Rex.  

Rexes and Minirexes are more prone to sore hocks because the skin on their feet is very thin.  You did the right thing in covering the floor with cardboard, to get her off the wire.  If she stays off the wire, it will heal on its own eventually.  It is unfortunate she will not tolerate being held, because there are treatments you could use to help the healing.  

Has she been spayed?  I can't think that I have ever met an aggressive neutered rex rabbit.

If you are able to restrain her, you could put something like Bag Balm, an antibiotic cream, or a diaper rash ointment.  

She may develop these periodically, which is typical of the Rex breed.

Good luck.
