Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Doe


22 9:46:05

Someone gave me a doe and they said that she is bred. She started pulling the fur out of the buck we had her with so I put her in a separate cage and put the nesting box in. I put some hay and news paper in there to make it comfy for her and now she is peeing and pooping in it. I have no idea when she was actually bred, so how do I know if it is too soon for the nesting box or not? Should I take the hay out of it?

Rabbits kindle usually 28 to 32 days after they are bred. Clean the box out and keep an eye on it. Sometimes they do use it as a restroom before they have babies in it. She should pull fur from herself now to make her nest. If you get past the 30 day mark, just take the box out because she either didn't get pregnant, or she reabsorbed the litter. And do NOT put any rabbits in the same cage. They are very territorial. Once she has her kits, they can stay together for a month or so after they are weaned, and then they all need separate cages. Good luck with your bunnies!