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Biting & Litter Box Training

22 11:15:08

How can I stop my spayed 7 month old female from lunging and biting?

How can I litter box train her?  I tell her no, I  clap my hands and say no, I spray the top of her head and say no, I've put hay in and near the litter box.

Why is she lunging and biting?  Do you perhaps use laundry detergent she doesn't like the smell of?  Strong perfume?  Do you smoke?  

You will need to figure out what the trigger is, and then work to eliminate that, if possible.  There's more information on how to work with aggressive rabbits at

To litterbox train her, you will need to go back to basics. Confine her to a small area with one or more litterboxes, until she gets the idea.  Once she consistently uses a box then you can give her more space. There are more tips at
