Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Using expired SMZ/TMP

Using expired SMZ/TMP

22 9:38:07


I have a 5 year old bunny who has been on SMZ/TMP (liquid)every month for a few years now. I was recently told I may be able to use a bottle of liquid SMZ/TMP even though it expired a few days ago. Is this safe for my bunny or should I just order another bottle? They seem to go bad before she can use it all. I am currently ordering the 16 oz. bottle.
I would greatly appreciate your opinion or thoughts on this matter.
Thank you,
Jennifer Schmid

Dear Jennifer,

First question:  Do you mean that you give the bunny SMZ/TMP once a month?  That seems...odd.  Please clarify, so I can give you a better answer.

What dose, and for how long each month?  For what reason?

It's not a good idea to give antibiotics long-term without a really good reason.  Just saying.

A medication that expired only a few days is almost certainly still fine to use, though.
