Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I was just knowing where others...

I was just knowing where others...

22 11:22:39

I was just knowing where others keep their rabbits, Do they get cold  like you and me. Do they bathe themselves. How do you buildddd. Oh well, some shere online!!!!

Dear Shireen,

The happiest, healthiest rabbits are kept indoors with the family, where it's safe and climate controlled.  Rabbits feel heat, cold, pain, emotions, etc.  just as any other mammal does.  They are highly intelligent and social, and thrive on company and love.

There are as many rabbit personalities as there are rabbits, so it's a good idea to adopt from a local rabbit rescuer who can tell you about the bunny you plan to adopt.  They also can tell you about proper housing (e.g., puppy pen vs. bunny condo) and diet.  

You can read more about proper rabbit care here:

and here:

Hope that helps!
