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baby rabbits need water?

22 11:21:43

please help, as i am so confused right now. i recently got two very small bunnies. i'm guessing they're about 3-4 weeks old. a friend of mine told me not to give them any water as they too small and will die of diarrhea. is it possible for any animal to keep living without water? i feed them pellets only, and no water, but lately i have noticed that the smaller one is getting dehydrated and her urine is a thick yellow colour. i want to take proper care of them, as i've grown very fond of them over the week i had them. they are a couple, and if one of the dies, the other one will probably die too. please please provide me with any advice on caring for such tiny creatures

Dear Niky,

No animal can live without water, and whoever told you that water will give them diarrhea is...well...let's just say they shouldn't be giving advice on caring for animals!

Yes, please immediately provide these babies with water!  Dehydration can kill just as surely as diarrhea can, and clean water will not cause diarrhea.  Here is what will:

You'll notice that the first thing listed is weaning too young.  If the babies truly are only 3-4 weeks, they should not have been removed from their mother, as they are too young to be weaned.  The greatest danger is intestinal infection, but dehydration is certainly a big problem now.  I hope they have not been without fluids for too long!

If they will not drink on their own, give them wet greens such as kale, romaine lettuce, etc. (dark, green, and leafy) in small amounts so that they will ingest the water along with the goodies.  And no, greens will not give them diarrhea.  It is being weaned too young that will do that.  Wild baby rabbits begin to eat greens at this tender age, and so these babies should be fine if you introduce the items gradually and in small quantities.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.  And please don't listen to that friend of yours, who is completely clueless in this case.  :(
