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rabbit hip problem

22 11:11:27

My rabbit is 4 years old.  Recently I find that her hip seems kind of weak and can't stand straight up (both left and right hip lean to the right when she hop) and making her foot point to the right too.  She shuffle rather than hop.  In some days she gets better but in some days she even have difficulty getting in & out of the toilet.  She didn't break herself or anything.  What is she having?  Any feedback will help.  Thank you.

Dear Kevin,

Your bunny may be showing early signs of hind limb paresis, and this means early diagnosis and treatment are essential to keep her from losing the use of her back end.  Please read:

I would find a good rabbit vet here:

and ask about treating her with fenbendazole for possible E. cuniculi infection, which may cause such symptoms.  

Be sure that if she's on a slippery surface (tile, wood, linoleum, etc.) that she has 100% cotton traction-backed mats to walk on throughout the house, because slippery floors and rabbits *do not* mix.  Because rabbits have furry bottoms to their feet, they don't get traction, and this puts tremendous strain on their joints, causing soft tissue injuries and arthritis.  So that's something to consider, too.  

But don't ignore the very real (and likely) possibility of E. cuniculi, which must be treated early and aggressively before irreparable damage is done.

Hope this helps.
