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West Nile in Rabbits

22 11:26:24

I'm hoping you can tell me if you've found any reliable word on whether rabbits are in danger from West Nile Virus.
I have scoured the internet in hopes of finding out whether my family rabbit is in danger since we've had birds test positive in our county.
I've found more info on horses than I will ever need and some on dogs and cats, but poor bunnies seem to be left out of the loop.
Have you any information or a resource I might access for specifics on whether we should be worried or not? Thanks

If the rabbit is inside and never goes out, then there is no problem.  If you house the rabbit outside, then there is always that chance that he could contract it.  So far only 1 rabbit has ever been diagnosed with it.

I can't find any good information for rabbits, although rabbits and horses are very similar physiologically.

Your safest bet is to keep the rabbit indoors so that he won't be exposed.
