Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > trimming nails

trimming nails

22 10:33:21

Hi, our bunny is not too friendly. He allows us to pet him, only. He doesn't want to be picked up. His nails need to be trimmed. Do the their nails have a wick like a dog? Any tips on getting the job done?
Thank you for your time.

Dear Joe,

You don't necessarily have to hold the bunny to trim his nails, but it helps.  You can find a good guide with pictures here:

Like all mammals, rabbits have a "quick" in the nail that corresponds to the tip of your finger.  So be very careful not to cut it. If you do, though, have a styptic pencil ready to stanch the blood and disinfect the area, and bunny will be fine.

I hope this helps.
