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spayed rabbit

22 10:33:21

dear Mr Meyer
         I have just had my pet rabbit spayed 6 days ago she managed to chew her stitches out and she has just been re stitched how can i prevent this from happening again she is also very fidgety with the dressing.
                      Carly Duguid

Hi Carly,

there really isn't much you can do, if she wants to go after them.  You could try to give her other things to chew on, but if it's not really a "chew" thing it won't help.  

You could try to give her a little bit of Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy in her water or on her food pellets (at grocery store or health food store).  It may calm her down a bit.  Otherwise if she keeps going after the stitches and gets them open again, ask the vet to use surgical glue to hold the incision together.  There's nothing to chew open, they work excellent.  I am surprised the vet didn't recommend this the first time she got them open.
