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Moving - transporting my bun

22 10:27:14

Dear Dana,
I am the owner of a big gray French Lop named Bowie. He is nine pounds and
a fabulous pet. I am in Ohio and could potentially be relocating to southern
California in the fall. I am concerned about how to transport my rabbit. What
is the best way? If I drive can he handle being in his cage and in the car for an
extended period of time? Can you take a rabbit on a plane? He is pretty large
in size. Any recommendations and advice would be appreciated. I don't want
him to suffer from stress or heat in the process.
Thank you so much,

Dear Chantel,

Rabbits are surprisingly good travelers, once you get on the road.  They're a little nervous at first, but they settle into the groove once the highway speed is constant and there aren't so many starts and stops.

Supply his carrier with soft bedding, and have a litterbox in the back seat on the floor.  You can leave the carrier door open so he can go back and forth.  Provide wet greens so he won't get too thirsty, and when you stop for the night be sure he can get out and romp in your hotel room and have access to food and water.

Rabbits also can travel on jets, but since he's so big he might not fit in one of the carriers that fit under the seat.  Airlines sell those, so you could try one out and see.  Same rules apply:  soft bedding, and bring lots of wet greens for the trip.  Be sure the airline you fly allows rabbits (Delta does), and that you buy him a ticket to be *in the cabin with you*--not cargo!

If you drive, be sure the car is air conditioned and as quiet as possible.  He'll probably do just fine, either way.  If he's extremely nervous and easily stressed, you can ask your vet about getting enough Valium to give him small doses for the trip. But that's really not necessary if he's generally calm.

Hope this helps.
