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baby californian rabbits

22 10:17:15

Our California just gave birth and it is getting cold outside, should we bring them in the house?  They are in a nesting box in a cage with a roof and 3 walls.  We also have an expecting mother will she be alright in the cold?

They should fine as long as they are protected from the weather (rain/snow etc) and if you can cover the cage or move it into a garage that would be better.

However if your rabbits are in a hutch, outside, if they are used to being outside and have a way to get out of the weather, this is acceptable. I also suggest stuffing the nestbox and cages with hay or straw this adds insulation and helps keep everyone warm

Breeders do loose more babies in the coldest and hottest times of year, so if you loose a few, don't be alarmed.

Bringing the rabbits in the house might cause some problems with the adults but you can just bring in the kits as long as you can take them out to the mom at least 2 a day for feeding.

Good Luck