Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > this is mostly just out of curiostiy

this is mostly just out of curiostiy

22 11:09:46

how r u?
  i just wanted 2 know wat do u thinku would get if u breeded a gueina pig and a rabbit...o also my rabbit(dale) is a good rabbit ,very playful,eats reguraly and drinks fina but he has been losing lot and lots of hair      what do i do?im worried !!!!!  pl help    thx sam

Rabbits and guinea pigs cannot successfully breed. There would be no offspring. They are not closely related. In fact, rabbits are not even rodents.

As for loosing the hair, as long as there are not actual bald spots, he is probably just shedding. This is a natural thing where the old fur comes out to be replaced with new fur.