Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > tilted neck

tilted neck

22 11:25:13

My son has a rabbit, I've noticed a few days after he got it that when he walks his neck is tilted, sometimes he goes around and around in his cage until he finally settles down and just lays to rest.  Is this normal or may be indication that he is sick.

Dear Maria,

A head tilt is not normal, and could be a sign of an ear infection, a molar problem, or even a parasitic infection with Encephalitozoon cuniculi (which is now treatable!).  Please see:

for more information about this condition, its causes and treatments.  And to find a good rabbit vet who can help with proper treatment and diagnosis, please go here:

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
