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Rabbit colds

22 10:09:23

I own two male rabbits, one dwarf lionhead, and one rex (so we think). The first is about 3 years at a guess, and the second isn't even a year old. The first has had a left weeping eye, and is constantly sneezing. The second has just begun to sneeze over the past few days. They both seem to be eating, drinking, moving, and using the bathroom without a problem.  
I'm wondering if it could be a few of these things or not.
--Allergies to dust, since they're in the basement and near an air vent in the ceiling.
--Reaction to any excess urine and such in their bedding (which is a mixture of natural cedar)
--Or a virus or a cold either from each other (though they're in separate cages), or from myself, since I have been sick
If it is any of these, what are some things that can be done?

Hello Amanda

Rabbits can have allergies and perfect husbandry is necessary to keep rabbits healthy.

Cedar is dangerous for rabbits and should never be used.  The fumes alone are very strong but it can also cause liver and kidney problems.  If you must use a wood type bedding aspen is the best choice with pine chips being second.  Long term use of pine chips can also cause problems but no where near the danger of cedar.

Rabbits can catch colds but not from you.  The more likely culprit is snuffles which can be caused by many different things such as pasturella.  Anytime a bunny is sick it should be strictly isolated from any other bunny.  Some rabbits naturally carry pasturella and when stressed for any reason they can become ill.

I strongly recommend that you take your sickest bunny to a vet for tests.  If it is indeed snuffles there is usually no cure and they would have to be treated for outbreaks the rest of their lives.  Any sign of sneezing in bunnies is something that needs to be addressed by an exotic animal veterinarian.

Please read Barbi Brown's web-site on sneezing rabbits.  It will give you a lot of useful information and tips.

I hope this information is helpful and I sincerely hope that it is something as simple as allergies.  we have dealt with pasturella and it is not pleasant.

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask anytime.

