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Maggots on my Rabbit

22 10:47:08

Hello, I have a question about my pet rabbit.
Do you know if my rabbit will die because maggots were in her? I believe what had happened was that a fly had layed eggs in her and had already turned to maggots. I believe we got rid of all the maggots(which had already been eating at her flesh), but I am not sure that she is going to be alright. If you could answer my question I would greatly appriciate it.

Hi Jesse,

you need to get your rabbit to your vet right away.  They have to determine the damage and make repairs, if needed, and also clean the area and make sure there are no maggots left.  They also need to put her on antibiotics because a secondary infection may be present, or to prevent an infection from starting in the tissue around where the maggots were.

You should definitely give her some liquid vitamins for a few weeks, and make sure she is drinking, but you absolutely need to get her to a vet.  This is something that probably has her in shock, and is stressing her system out a lot, even though you may not think so.  Emergency vet if your regular vet is closed.

This is not a problem that can be ignored.  I'd keep her indoors from now on and hang flystrips around the cage but way out of reach of her.  Get non-toxic sticky strips that they can't pull off of.

Write back anytime.  Lee