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Disinfecting a Cage

22 9:58:51

I have 2 rabbits, and one has snuffles (don't worry I am having her treated), and the other is pregnant, due in one week. When I researched before I breed her, I read that 7-5 days before the due date you are supposed to disinfect the cage. The only problem is, the cage I want her to kindle in is also the cage the snuffle bunny was previously housed in. How do I disinfect the cage so that my pregnant rabbit and her coming litter do not get infected with the illness as well?

Dear Brittany,

Before I give any advice about disinfecting the cage, I urge you to please read this:

"Snuffles" is just a common term for an upper respiratory infection, and this is not easily transmitted among rabbits.   Still, it will not hurt to disinfect the cage.

To clean it, empty it out completely, take it outside to an area where you can get it wet, and then thoroughly scrub all surfaces with a 10% bleach solution.  Let it sit in the sun with the bleach solution on it for about 10 minutes, and then rinse *very* well with the hose.  Allow it to dry in the sun.  The cage should then be clean enough for anything.

Hope this helps.
