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Poop & type

22 10:25:27

Hello, i have 3 rabbit's. A Lionhead, Dutch, and i would like some help to find out what type the new one is. I got him on July 4th. i post this video on youtube, check it out and if u know what type he is let me know it is video on my page -

Next is that he is that he has been having a lot of uh poop. and i meen a lot. i havn't been feeding him a lot of carrots and stuff so i do not understand y there's that much. (like dieria, sry 4 spelling)

plz if u can, help me


it is best if you actually use English spelling, so that others will take you seriously.

First, your rabbit appears to be a dwarf rabbit.  He is solid colored, and considered to be red.  This is totally based on what little visual info I could see.

Second, about waste pellets.  If it is actually runny and he truly has diarrhea, you need to get him to a good rabbit vet right away.  Rabbits dehydrate quickly and can die from real diarrhea.

Now, he may be producing a lot of cecal pellet clusters.  These are the small grape-like clusters that have a little odor to them, that they eat to break down for their vitamins and beneficial bacteria.  He may be producing a lot of these.  Or he may be eating a lot of hay and producing a lot of the drier, larger, marble-like fecal pellets.

If it is not fecal pellets, and not cecal pellets, and runny diarrhea, get him to the vet.  You will also need to adjust his diet.  He probably cannot handle the greens/veggies you are giving him and it is affecting his gut negatively.  the best thing for him to eat is lots and lots of hay, and a little bit of food pellets (without extra junk in them, just straight food pellets).

Diarrhea is life-threatening in rabbits because it shuts down their gut, a condition called gi stasis.  This can kill them very quickly.  Get him to a good rabbit vet if it is diarrhea.

If you don't have a good rabbit vet, go here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.
