Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Problem


22 11:20:35

My rabbits weiner fell off, what do i do?

Dear Sam,

Okay, I'm going to humor you and assume this is truly a serious question.
Question:  If your penis fell off, would you (1) get seated comfortably in front of your computer and ask for advice on the internet or would you (2) get yourself to an emergency room for immediate medical attention?

Answer:  If the former, all I can cite is two words:  Natural Selection.  If the latter, then why would you not do the same for your beloved companion rabbit?

If you really have a rabbit whose penis has "fallen off" (I don't even want to know a reason for this...), then get this rabbit to a vet immediately.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Do not wait another minute.
