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Litter boxes in hutches

22 9:58:08

We have just "received" a rabbit in an outdoor hutch from a moving friend.  Whereas it is not possible to keep him inside, we are doing an overhaul to his dwelling to give him a better home. Is it a good idea to have a litter box in an outside rabbit hutch, or better to let the droppings fall to the ground?  I wasn't sure if this would keep the threat of fly eggs too close to the rabbit. Thank you for your help.

Dear Nicoal,

A litterbox might give him a nice place to hang out and eat his hay, and will also be better for his feet than a wire bottom cage.  The most important thing for outside hutches is protection against weather (especially heat and direct sun!) and predators.  There are many predators around at night that you'll never see, but I can tell you horror stories about people coming out in the morning to find a mutilated rabbit still locked in his cage.  There is no such thing as a predator-proof outdoor hutch, so be sure you take the proper precautions to put double-walls and floors on the hutch to prevent injury from raccoons and cats.  A safe refuge (box with exit holes) is also essential for him.

You don't say why he can't be indoors, but note that rabbits are odorless, quiet, and ideal for inside.  You can find out all you need to know about litterbox training and making your new pal into a family member here:

Hope this helps.
