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my rabbits biting

22 10:35:02

i just had my sons 7 month male dutch rabbit neutered 2 days ago. before the surgery he was the sweetest bunny he would let you hold him forever constant licking. now 2 days after his surgery he has bit me 6 times(he draws blood every time) i seem to be his main target though. but he  has bit my son since the surgery also. he was never territorial before surgery either and now  he is very territorial.

Hi Amy,

This surgery does stir the hormones quite a bit.  It will take a little while to purge them.  But I really suspect he is in pain.  What pain med is he on?  And I would letting him rest for a few days and handle him only when absolutely necessary.  We plan on 3-5 days recovery time and pain meds for the boys....and 5-7 days for the girls.  Let me know what pain med he is on along with his weight and dosage and I can confirm dosing for you.  I will be online for a couple of more hours tonight.  I urge you to be on the phone with the vet first thing in the morning and have him/her do a recheck just in case something is wrong.
