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fresh fruits and vegetables

22 10:36:42

how often can i give my rabbit fresh fruits and vegetables and some people have told me its not good to give my rabbit iceberg lettuce and some people have told me its ok to which is correct

First, the iceberg lettuce question.  This isn't something you want to give your rabbit.  First, just like with people, iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, it's mostly water.  And that's the second issue with iceberg lettuce, too much can cause diarrhea in rabbits.  Diarrhea can be fatal to rabbits.

You really want to feed a dark leafy lettuce like romaine to your rabbit.  This site lists acceptable vegetables for your rabbit:

this one covers fruit:

Fruit should only be a very small part of their diet due to the sugar in fruit.

When introducing fruits and vegetables to your rabbit, you want to start slow and just introduce a little bit at a time  to give your rabbit's digestive system time to adjust to the new foods.