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Stomach obstruction

22 11:26:21

we have indoor bunny who runs free for couple hours a day.I have noticed couple of weeks ago that she is losing weight and not producing any droppings.When she did,they had oval shape and were stuck together.One day,she stopped moving and was very letargic.She just laid in her litter box and looked like she was about to die.We wraphed her in blankets and rushed her to vet clinic,but it was at night at the vet on duty was not very familiar with rabbits.He indeed said that she has some kind of mass in her stomach.They did Xray,showing that she had some gas and the mentioned mass in her tummy.He suggested that we put her to sleep,because rabbits don't do well with surgery..
We decided to take her home for one more night,gave her laxatives for infants since she stoppoed pooping and also gave her Pedialite to restore Na every to hours.we also rubbed her tummy for 4 hours.She is getting better now,eating and pooping on her own.The problem is,that I suspect she ate 3 pits from apricot that she found on the table while running free.(they are missing).After checking the  xray again,it really has the shape of a pit (the mass in her stomach).
I was just wondering what we should do now?Will she poop it out?Or is there a chance that it will disolve on its own (stomach acids)?
Please help!I don't want her to suffer...
P.S:The doctor said it is not cancer;she is 16 months old,intact.
Thank you

I don't know that they will eventually break up, hopefully they will move through.  If she doesn't appear to be in pain, I would continue cat Laxatone until they do pass.  These can be toxic to rabbits, so the sooner you can get it to come out the better.

FYI, here is a list of plants that can be toxic to rabbits -
