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blood around rabbits feet and mouth?

22 10:45:32

Hello, I have three rabbits two girls and a male that are all rescue rabbits.My small girl rabbit gave birth to a litter of five still born kits on the 27th june.I seperated them all and  I took my male rabbit and got him castrated unfortunately my children let them all together on the 5th july as i know he still carried sperm I wasnt very happy with the kids.They are all back together now and this morning my male rabbit had blood around his front feet and his mouth I cleaned him up and looked for puncture marks etc but nothing.I've checked the girls and they seem fine I cant explain where the blood has come from other then maybe could one of my girls have been pregnant and my male has eaten them? I have heard this can happen but there was nothing in the hutch(remains).It's a mystery to me could you help.

HI Julia,

my rule of thumb is that unexplained blood on a rabbit gets a trip to the vet.  They don't have a lot of blood to spare, and with potential open skin/wounds there is a high risk of infection.  The fact he had surgery indicates that either blood was pooling in the scrotal sac and it either leaked or burst out of the sutures.  He needs to make sure that area is healing properly and everthing is tied up right there.  I have seen many males have this problem with less than experienced vets doing the neuter.  

PLease get him to a good rabbit vet to have him examined, especially his neuter surgery area.

I do not believe (from what you state) they ate a bunch of kits.  You do not mention that any of your females was acting pregnant with typical signs of pregnancy, plus it is a little early for them to be birthed if July 5th was the day they were together.  Further you would have seen her preparing for a birth and you don't mention that either.  And generally there is always SOME evidence left behind.  

Have your male checked out.