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Mini Lop with a bump on his back

22 9:57:42


small pinkish lump/sca
My mini Lop has a bump on his back -pinkish in color, a little scabby, . my mini lop had its mouth near the bump just a second ago, it looks like he removed the hair around the area as well. he doesnt seem to be in pain, hes eating and drinking fine. we first noticed the bump about a month ago. we are concerned! what could this be? and should we go to the vet asap? he's 3 years old.

Dear Mario,

The photo is far too blurry and grainy for me to make anything out.  But a bump like this could be anything from an abscess to a botfly warble to a tumor or fibroma.  So I'd get him to a good rabbit vet:

for a thorough wellness check, including the bump.  The vet will determine what the bump is and what treatment is necessary, if anything.
