Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit Suddenly shedding excessively

Rabbit Suddenly shedding excessively

22 11:33:55

My husband gave our rabbit a bath 2 days ago,because he got really dirty running around our muddy yard.  Now his fur is falling off.  He doesn't have any bald sopts, but when I ppick him up, the fur falls off in clumps.  When he runs around I can see the fur flying.  What could be the cause and what can we do?  Thank you

What exactly did he use to bathe the rabbit, shampoo, dishwashing detergent?  

The fur could be coming out because of what was used, or because he is shedding, or because it was trying to fall out but couldn't because of the mud.

Rabbits shed 4 times a year, you might watch and see how he does.  As long as you don't see a rash or bald spots, he should be ok.
