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a few questions

22 10:59:22

firstly, i bought a new rabbit, a neverland dwarf, its silver/gray in color.
i was wondering if vacanations from the vet are really nessary? i know its best, but im short on cash, and wondered if its realy nessary, im wanting your opinion, not a books or internet sites as these always tell you to get them done, but they also tell you other stuff they isnt always nessary if you know what i mean.
andother question is, my new rabbit, apollo, is only 3 months old, when its older, i was hopeing i could show him, just wondered if you could give me any tips and if you know any good shows in the west yorkshire area
finally, whats your opinion on keeping him with a guinea pig? i have them together at the moment,and all seems well, the GP is just as big, if not bigger then the rabbit, they mind their own business and dont bother each other

Hi Scott,
I don't really think it's necessary to vaccinate rabbits to be honest. And for showing,I don't know the area you suggested but you can certainly find some info via the internet.
 Keeping guinea pigs with rabbits is fine as long as they get along from the start,and yours are obviously fine.  They're good company for eachother too.
 Cheers to you too...Elizabeth