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Rabbit pregnancy- worried doe will die

22 10:04:19

My rabbit is pregnant,both are dwarfs but the male is about a 1/3 larger then her. over a week ago she built a nest, but has still not given birth. Every so often she makes a small squealing noise I'm very worried she's a lot less lively and seems very sullen. 'v read else where that the rabbit could have one of the baby's stuck and she could die as a result! Any help!
Thank you

Dear Chloe,

Please get her to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian NOW.  This is not the time to find answers on the internet, as they could come too late.  Check the list here:

She may need a Caesarian section (at which time she should also be spayed) to save her life.  Please waste no time in doing this.  If it's been a *week*, then she should have had the babies by now.  And if she's actually crying out and acting sick, I'm really not sure why she's not at the vet's already.

I hope she will be fine.
